Partner of the Police Academy of the Netherlands

The policeforce is of great importance in our society. Constantly the officers have to switch from maintaining order to serving people. Since 2012 HeartMath Benelux trains weekly 300 to 400 policemen in the HeartMath techniques of cardiac coherence. Our training is part of a 4 days mental resilience training to keep the police officers ready and able. Because of the excellent results, we are allowed to be Official Partner of the Police Academy of the Netherlands.

By now over 55.000 Dutch policeofficers have been trained. To secure the HeartMath stress relief techniques in the Dutch Police organization, already over 85 internal Police Trainers have been educated as HeartMath Coach and Trainer.

Would you like more information about our in company-trainings?
Please contact Renzia de Koning:


M  +31 6 519 20 464