Our Team


General Ir. Rob Erdbrink on info@heartmathbenelux.com or (31) 43 36 55 626
Business Renzia de Koning on renzia.de.koning@heartmathbenelux.com or (31) 65 19 20 464)
Medical advisor Dr. Irmi Klijntunte-de Maar, psychiater on irmi.klijntunte@heartmathbenelux.com or (31) 64 61 33 942
Disability care Bianca Vugts-de Groot on bianca.vugts@heartmathbenelux.com or (31) 64 10 47 006
Disability care    Annemiek Grijpma on annemiek.grijpma@heartmathbenelux.com or (31)63 07 28 48
HeartMath professionals Daphne Wiersma on (daphne.wiersma@heartmathbenelux.com or (31) 62 86 20 126)
French speaking regions Frédéric Coppieters on (frederic.coppieters@heartmathbenelux.com or +32 486 801696)
Germany, Austria and Switzerland   Herr Dipl.-Kfm. Reiner Krutti on reiner.krutti@heartmathbenelux.com or (49) 68 18 59 16 70
IT support Julien Brouns on itsupport@heartmathbenelux.com


We work closely together with:

Reiner Krutti: director HeartMath Deutschland (Germany, Austria and Switzerland)

Gavin Andrews: director HeartMath UK

Howard Martin, Deborah Rozman, Rollin McCraty and many others from HeartMath USA

Marij Schüsler: Soffos research Institute