Publications and articles

Newspaper and magazine articles about HeartMath can be found here, for scientific publications please go to our research page:

Research studies have been published in various peer magazines: The American Journal of Cardiology, Integrative Phsiological and Behavioral Science and Alternative Therapies. You can also find a short summary of the Heartmath research on Health Care Impact of HeartMath. For an extensive overview of all research and casestudies please go to

On You Tube a number of films on HeartMath can be found, click for films on emWave or the use of Heartmath at schools.

We can advice following books:

Looking for Spinoza, Antonio Damasio
"In clear, accessible and at times eloquent prose, Damasio is outlining nothing less than a new vision of the human soul, integrating body and mind, thought and feeling, individual survival and altruism, humanity and nature, ethics and evolution." -SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE

Healing Without Freud Or Prozac, David Servan-Schreiber
Stress, anxiety and depression are among the most common reasons for people to see the doctor. The drugs targeting these conditions are pharmaceutical bestsellers. Yet a majority of patients would like to be able to heal without taking drugs or engaging in therapy that involves talking about their problems. Dr Servan-Schreiber gathers together, in one place, the answers to the public's questions about alternatives to drugs and talk therapy. He discusses only treatment methods he has used with patients himself, methods which have been proven to work in clinical studies. Beautifully written, with many pertinent case histories, this book will be a revelation to those who dismiss alternative medicine and a godsend to those who are looking for help without taking drugs and without talk therapy.

The Heart Speaks, Mimi Guarneri
Cardiologist and medical director of the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine, the author presents the latest in cutting-edge cardiology research that shows that the heart is an organ of intelligence, with its own profound influence on the brain, emotions, reasoning, and choices.

The Heart's code, Professor Paul Pearsall, ISBN10: 0767900952
In this groundbreaking book, bestselling author Dr. Paul Pearsall explores the emerging field of cellular memory, one of the most significant medical, social, and spiritual discoveries of our time. Using well-documented research and stories from numerous transplant patients who experience emotional connections to their donors, Pearsall reveals that the heart thinks, feels, remembers, and communicates with other hearts. The heart, not the brain, conducts the energy that becomes the cellular symphony that is the essence of our being. In addition to describing the damage that ignoring the wisdom of the heart can cause on both a personal and sociological level, Pearsall shows how to listen to the subtle energy of the heart and learn its valuable lessons. By unlocking the heart's code, we can discover new ways of understanding healing and human consciousness -- even as we create a new model for living and loving that leads to better health, happiness, and self-knowledge. If you click here you can see the video: Memory Transfer in Heart Transplant Patients.