Starting point for coaches, trainers, hr-managers, advisers, mediators
Wide introduction to heart coherence and the HeartMath method

HeartMath® Basics for Professionals (online with live trainer)

More and more coaches, mediators, HR-managers and advisors work with the HRV biofeedback equipment and programs of HeartMath. This one-day basic course offers a broad introduction and is especially meant for learning to use the HeartMath biofeedback equipment. You will practice with the equipment and the results will be explained. The scientific background of the HeartMath method is also discussed. The new Inner Balance Coherence Plus is included in this training.

After following this course:
  • you will have gained basic knowledge about the physiology of stress and resilience and its effects on the heart rhythm
  • you know the difference between heart rate (HF), heart rate variability (HRV) and heart coherence (HC) and their practical meaning
  • you know how biofeedback on HRV can contribute to body awareness and self-regulation
  • you have insight in the effects of breathing and emotions on HRV
  • you have insight into the application possibilities of emWave® and Inner Balance Trainer biofeedback hardware and software.
  • you have insight into your own HRV and know the possibilities of improving this through training.
  • you have insight into the way in which the programs of HeartMath are used in the business sector and in health care.
After following this course:
  • you will have gained basic knowledge about the physiology of stress and resilience and its effects on the heart rhythm
  • you know the difference between heart rate (HF), heart rate variability (HRV) and heart coherence (HC) and their practical meaning
  • you know how biofeedback on HRV can contribute to body awareness and self-regulation
  • you have insight in the effects of breathing and emotions on HRV
  • you have insight into the application possibilities of emWave® and Inner Balance Trainer biofeedback hardware and software.
  • you have insight into your own HRV and know the possibilities of improving this through training.
  • you have insight into the way in which the programs of HeartMath are used in the business sector and in health care.
After following this course:
  • you will have gained basic knowledge about the physiology of stress and resilience and its effects on the heart rhythm
  • you know the difference between heart rate (HF), heart rate variability (HRV) and heart coherence (HC) and their practical meaning
  • you know how biofeedback on HRV can contribute to body awareness and self-regulation
  • you have insight in the effects of breathing and emotions on HRV
  • you have insight into the application possibilities of emWave® and Inner Balance Trainer biofeedback hardware and software.
  • you have insight into your own HRV and know the possibilities of improving this through training.
  • you have insight into the way in which the programs of HeartMath are used in the business sector and in health care.

This course is the first step towards the

Building Personal Resilience - HeartMath Coach certification

but can also be followed separately from this training. The training is online with a live trainer (see below for dates).


The participants receive the course materials in advance, so sign up at least one week in advance! If you are outside the EU please sign up at least 2 weeks in advance. You will also receive your Inner Balance Coherence Plus.

Location & dates

The program is in 3 blocks of 10-12, 13-15 and 15.30-17.30 hours.
The training course is online.

Date(s) Location Language
1 jour (de 10h à 16h).
En ligne French
Het programma is op woensdag 6 en 13 november 2024 van 9-12.30 uur. Bij deze training zit de nieuwe Inner Balance Coherence Plus inbegrepen
online Dutch
1 jour (de 10h à 16h).
En ligne French



Simone Brückner, experienced HeartMath Coach and Grouptrainer.


Training/education costs (VAT 0%) € 304.00
Miscellaneous costs * (VAT 21%) € 185.95
VAT 0% € 0.00
VAT 21% € 39.05
Total price
€ 529.00

*concerns the Inner Balance Coherence Plus.


For questions and/or remarks, please send an e-mail to We will then contact you. You can also call HeartMath Benelux on +31 43 36 55 626.