Physical Activity, Mindfulness Meditation, or Heart RateVariability Biofeedback for Stress Reduction
- Toon alle
- Angst/Paniek
- Bloeddruk
- Burnout
- Chronische pijn
- Cognitieve functie
- Cortisol/DHEA
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- Global Coherence
- Hart- & Vaatziekten
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- Meditatie/Mindfulness
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- Schizofrenie
- Slaap & vermoeidheid
- Social Coherence
- Stress
- Veerkracht
- Wetenschap HRV & Coherentie
- Zwangerschap
Physical Activity, Mindfulness Meditation, or Heart RateVariability Biofeedback for Stress Reduction

Abstract: In contemporary western societies stress is highly prevalent, therefore the need for stress-reducingmethods is great. This randomized controlled trial compared the efficacy of self-help physical activity (PA), mindfulness meditation (MM), and heart rate variability biofeedback (HRV-BF) in reducing stress and its related symptoms. We randomly allocated 126 participants to PA, MM, or HRV-BF upon enrollment, of whom 76 agreed to participate. The interventions consisted of psycho-education and an introduction to the specific intervention techniques and 5 weeks of daily exercises at home. The PAexercises consisted of a vigorous-intensity activity of free choice. The MM exercises consisted of guided mindfulness meditation. The HRV-BF exercises consisted of slow breathing with a heart rate variability biofeedback device. Participants received daily reminders for their exercises and were contacted weekly to monitor their progress. They completed questionnaires prior to, directly after, and 6 weeks after the intervention. Results indicated an overall beneficial effect consisting of reduced stress, anxiety and depressive symptoms, and improved psychological well-being and sleep quality. No significant between-intervention effect was found, suggesting that PA, MM, and HRV-BF are equally effective in reducing stress and its related symptoms. These self-help interventions provide easily accessible help for people with stress complaints.
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