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Heart rate variability biofeedback therapy and graded exercise training in management of chronic fatigue syndrome

OBJECTIVE: Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is characterised by persistent fatigue, exhaustion, and several physical complaints. Research has shown cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and graded exercise training (GET) to be the most effective treatments. In a first step we aimed to assess the efficacy of heart rate variability biofeedback therapy (HRV-BF) as a treatment method comprising cognitive and behavioural strategies and GET in the pilot trial. In a second step we aimed to compare both interventions with regard to specific
en savoir plus...Heart Coherence Training Combined with Back School in Patients with Chronic Non-specific Low Back Pain

The aim of this study was to explore on which variables a stress reduction program based on heartcoherence can enhance the effects of a back school (BS) inpatients with chronic non-specific low back pain and to explore possible moderators for treatment success. A ret-rospective explorative design was carried out with 170patients with chronic non-specific low back pain. 89 Patients were admitted to BS and 81 patients were selected for BS and heart coherence training (BS–HCT). Six sessions of heart coherence were provided. At
en savoir plus...Non-Pharmacological Intervention for Chronic Pain in Veterans: A Pilot Study of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback

Objective: Chronic pain is an emotionally and physically debilitating form of pain that activates the body’s stress response and over time can result in lowered heart rate variability (HRV) power, which is associated with reduced resiliency and lower self-regulatory capacity. This pilot project was intended to determine the effectiveness of HRV coherence biofeedback (HRVCB) as a pain and stress management intervention for veterans with chronic pain and to estimate the effect sizes. It was hypothesized that
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